Thursday, August 27, 2020

China vs. USA. The Quest for Global Supremacy Research Paper

China versus USA. The Quest for Global Supremacy - Research Paper Example The Euro zone has become the most minimal positioned business entertainers after seriously influenced areas in Africa. In spite of the fact that the United States has kept up its money related predominance, the solidness of this specific locale isn't consistent. With a fluctuating budgetary diagram, the United States doesn't have control of the worldwide business advertise. This leaves the top spot to up and coming business center points. Asia and Middle East have nations with the quickest developing economies. With political precariousness making the Middle East a poor speculation zone, Asia remains the main district with the capacity of asserting the seat in issues of business and money related achievement. One nation that has altogether improved its business capacities is the Republic of China. This paper will concentrate on the matchless quality fights between the United States and China. The paper will likewise give a viewpoint on which nation has the most noteworthy likelihood of securing the top spot over the long haul. A point of view on the speculation of the two countries shows the distinction between their systems. In China speculation openings are gotten from all countries over the globe. Notwithstanding their money related position China has put resources into numerous nations in all landmasses. As indicated by Swedroe, China has put resources into 30 percent of the considerable number of nations in Africa (standard, 4). This implies China hopes to benefit from the assets that Africa can bring to the worldwide market. This boost of the assets in Africa has raised the economy of China by around 10 percent (Lash, standard 7). The circumstance is distinctive with regards to the United States. The United States puts together its speculation with respect to the capacity of the nation to take care of in specific conditions. Much of the time the United States hits manage state government as opposed to wandering into private speculation. The private venture China embraces empowers the nation to contra ct with other privately owned businesses who are needing

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Printable SAT Practice Tests PDFs 18 FREE Official Tests

Printable SAT Practice Tests PDFs 18 FREE Official Tests SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In this article, I'll reveal to you where to locate all official, printable SAT practice tests andanswer keys. This thorough guide gives you access to more SAT practice tests than some other online guide. Likewise, you'll learn key methodologies that will assist you with making enormous enhancements for SAT practice tests you can print out. Free Printable SAT Tests (Current 1600 Format, 2016-Present) As of now, there are 10 accessible practice tests for the updated SAT, all of which have been given by the producer of the SAT itself, theCollege Board. These tests are the most flawlessly awesome ones to use for your SAT examinations since they're the most like the test. Practice Test 1:Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations | Essay Practice Test 2:Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations | Essay Practice Test 3:Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations | Essay Practice Test 4:Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations | Essay Practice Test 5:Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations |Essay Practice Test 6:Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations |Essay Practice Test 7:Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations |Essay Practice Test 8:Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations | Essay Practice Test 9: Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations Practice Test 10: Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations Remember to fill in your answers with theSAT answersheet. Frustrated with your scores? Need to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've composed a guide about the best 5 techniques you should use to have a taken shots at improving your score. Download it with the expectation of complimentary at this point: Free Printable SAT Tests (Old 2400 Format, 2005-2016) These next tests follow the old 2400format of the SAT, with independent Critical Reading, Math, and Writing areas. (On the other hand, on the present SAT, your Reading and Writing scores are consolidated for a complete Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score.) Regardless of their to some degree outdated structure, these tests can be helpful for your studying.Just keep in mindall the significant contrasts between the old and current SAT. I suggest utilizing these tests more as instructional meetings than as all out training for the SAT. Official SAT Printable Practice Test 2013-14:Questions|Answers Official SAT Printable Practice Test 2012-13:Questions|Answers Official SAT Printable Practice Test 2007-08:Questions|Answers Official SAT Printable Practice Test 2004-05:Questions|Answers It may look as if I've avoided a couple of years here, yet I really haven't: all the tests for the yearsnot recorded are rehashes of those above, including the 2011-12, 2010-11, 2009-10, 2008-09, 2006-07, and 2005-06 practice tests. So in the event that you discover these tests on different discussions or sites, don't burn through your time taking them since they're precisely the same as the ones previously recorded. We're going route once again into the past for this next arrangement of SAT tests. Free Printable SAT Tests (Very Old 1600 Format, Pre-2005) Before the SAT experienced an overhaul in 2016, the last time it had changed was in 2005, back when it hopped from a 1600-guide scale toward a 2400-point scale. Regardless of this huge move in scoring, just a couple of significant contrasts could be found between the exceptionally old 1600 SAT and the old 2400 SAT. Other than those, the vast majority of the test continued as before. Therefore, these exceptionally old SAT practice tests are a shrouded gold minethat hardly any understudies know about. By stepping through these examinations, at that point, you'll have significantly more of an edge over other test takers. Before I give you the connections, however, note a couple of significant provisos: You can avoid the analogies inquiries on Reading. These are the issues that resemble Vehicle : ENGINE ::. Since they're no longer on the SAT, there's no reason for considering them. You can skirt the examination inquiries on Math. This inquiry type presents two boxes and pose to you to choose whether An or B is more noteworthy. Once more, these aren't on the present SAT, so you don't have to stress over these. There is no Writing segment on these tests.Therefore, ensure you utilize advantageous prep materials to examine the punctuation and question types you'll have to know for the present SAT's Writing and Language area. Be appreciative you don't have to answer a portion of these old-position questions-analogies were the essential explanation that the SAT had gained notoriety for driving understudies to remember vocab! Official SAT Test 2004-05:Questions|Answers Official SAT Test 2003-04:Questions|Answers Official SAT Test 2002:Questions + Answers Official SAT Test 2001:Questions + Answers 6 Tips for Getting the Most Out Of SAT Practice Tests Each SAT practice test requires around four hours of extreme center, so it's essential to use them adequately. The following are six basic strategiesto follow each time you take a training test. #1: Print Out the Test and Take It on Paper Since the SAT is a paper test (rather than a PC test), it's ideal to take the training tests on paper. Likewise, ensure youdo your scratch work legitimately on the test.Don't get out independent bits of scratch paper to use since on the genuine test you won't get any scratch paper (however will be permitted totake notes straightforwardly in your test booklet). At last, in case you're taking the discretionary Essay segment, work on composing your exposition utilizing the fixed paper included with your training test. #2: Use Strict Timing on Each Section In spite of the fact that time weight can be intimidating,it's imperative to follow official SAT time restrains as intently as conceivable onpractice tests. Why? In the event that, for instance, you spend only two additional minutes on an area, this could raise your score by many focuses, since the additional time permitted you to respond to a larger number of inquiries than you would've had the option to inside the real time limit. Thus, your training SAT score gets expanded and doesn't give you a precise pointer of your real scoring capacity. Here's an outline of the official time limits for each SAT segment just as to what extent you ought to spend (generally) per question: SAT Section Time # of Questions Time per Question Perusing 65 minutes 52 75 seconds Composing and Language 35 minutes 44 48 seconds Math No Calculator 25 minutes 20 75 seconds Math Calculator 55 minutes 38 87 seconds Ensure togive yourself breaks, as well! #3: Take the Test in One Sitting The SAT is a long distance race of a test, lasing around four hours on an early Saturday morning. A considerable lot of my understudies have disclosed to me that it was so hard to remain centered the whole time and shield themselves from committing indiscreet errors toward the end. Getting ready for the SAT resembles preparing for a long distance race: you have to guarantee you have enough endurance to endure the test.And the most ideal approach to do this is to take each training test at a time, as though you were taking the real SAT. In the event that it's unreasonably hard for you to discover an opportunity to take a training test at a time, feel free to separate it more than a few days-simply ensure youadhere to as far as possible for each segment. Eventually, it's smarter to do some SAT practice than none by any stretch of the imagination! #4: Review Your Mistakes (and Your Correct Answers, Too) Practice tests aren't only useful for becoming more acquainted with the SAT configuration and segments they're additionally extraordinary for gaining from your slip-ups. For each training SAT test you take, invest energy inspecting the two inquiries you got off-base and questions you got right. In the event that you don't have the foggiest idea why you missed an inquiry, don't simply skip it and proceed onward; doing this implies you won't realize what sort of mix-up you made, raising your danger of making it again and again. This propensity can hamper your score pretty definitely. So try to move toward your SAT prep considering this: quality over amount. I'd preferably have you take three practice tests with point by point audit than six practice tests with no survey. #5: Take At Least 4 Practice Tests Before the Actual SAT From my involvement in a large number of understudies, this enchantment number works best at getting understudies extremely alright with the SAT in every significant regard, including timing and continuance. In the event that you need to step through multiple exams, feel free to give it a shot simply ensure that you offset your prep with some centered concentrating around your shortcomings so you can gain quicker ground. #6: Use Supplemental Resources If Necessary A few understudies are incredible at learning the intricate details of the SAT through training tests alone-they perceive their errors, comprehend why they made them, and abstain from making them later on. However, most understudies need extra assistance to pinpoint their shortcomings and show them the aptitudes and systems required for progress on the SAT. In the event that training tests aren't sufficient for you, download our free manual for assist you with making sense of which SAT prep strategy works best for you. What's Next? Need to get an ideal SAT score?Take a look atour acclaimed manual for a 1600, composed by a specialist SAT immaculate scorer. Reaching skyward on each SAT area? At that point read our person, inside and out procedure advisers for assist you with coming to an800 on SAT Reading, SAT Math, and SAT Writing. Need to improve your SAT score by 160points?We have the business' driving SAT prep program. Worked by Harvard graduates and SAT full scorers, the program learns your qualities and shortcomings through cutting edge measurements, at that point tweaks your prep program to you so you get the best prep conceivable. Look at our 5-day free preliminary today:

Friday, August 21, 2020

Add CSS Powered Social sharing widget in Blogger Site

Add CSS Powered Social sharing widget in Blogger Site Social Sharing widget is important for Blogger. Because it will help to spread your content in various social networking site. As a result your content will reach to more people and you will receive extra traffic by using this widget. In this social sharing widget I have included Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest and StumbleUpon icons thus a visitors can share your content to those social networking site easily. So to add this eye-catching social sharing widget in your Blog site please follow the below tutorial- Step 1Log in to yourBlogger accountand Go to yourBlogger Dashboard Step 2Clickon- Template - Edit HTML Step 3Now Find this code]]/b:skinby pressing Ctrl+F (Windows) or CMD+F (Mac) Step 4Paste the below code Before/above]]/b:skin /** Share Post Styling ***/ #share-post { width: 100%; overflow: hidden; margin-top: 20px; } #share-post a { display: block; height: 32px; line-height: 32px; color: #fff; float: left; padding-right: 10px; margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 25px; text-decoration: none; overflow: hidden; margin: 0 10px 10px 0; transition: .5s; -webkit-transition: .5s; -moz-transition: .5s; width: 135px; height: 32px; float: left; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; font-weight: 600; } #share-post .facebook { background-color: #436FC9; } #share-post .twitter { background-color: #40BEF4; } #share-post .google { background-color: #EC5F4A; } #share-post .pinterest { background-color: #DB232B; } .stumbleupon{ background-color:#F54E27; } #share-post span { display: block; width: 32px; height: 32px; float: left; margin-right: 10px; background: url( no-repeat; } #share-post .twitter span { background-color: #26B5F2; background-position:1px 2px; } #share-post .facebook span { background-color: #3967C6; background-position:-22px 2px; } #share-post .google span { background-color: #E94D36; background-position:-47px 2px; } #share-post .pinterest span { background-color:#CB2027; background-position:-148px 2px; } #share-post .stumbleupon span { background-color:#EB4924; background-position:-372px 2px; } Step 5Now again Find this codedata:post.body/ordiv class='post-footer'by pressing Ctrl+F (Windows) or CMD+F (Mac) Step 6Paste the below code below/after data:post.body/ ordiv class='post-footer' b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == quot;itemquot;' div id='share-post' a class='facebook' expr:href='data:post.sharePostUrl + quot;amp;target=facebookquot;' expr:onclick='quot;, quot;_blankquot;, quot;height=430,width=640quot;); return false;quot;' expr:title='data:top.shareToFacebookMsg' target='_blank' span/ Facebook /a a class='twitter' expr:href='data:post.sharePostUrl + quot;amp;target=twitterquot;' expr:title='data:top.shareToTwitterMsg' target='_blank' span/ Twitter /a a class='google' expr:href='quot;; + data:post.url' onclick=', quot;quot;, quot;menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=600,width=600quot;);return false;' rel='nofollow' title='Share this on Google+' span/ Google+ /a a class='pinterest' expr:href='quot;; + data:post.url + quot; amp; media=quot; + data:post.thumbnailUrl + quot; amp; description=quot; + data:post.title' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Share This on Pinterest' span/ Pinterest /a a class='stumbleupon' expr:href='quot;; + data:post.url + quot;amp;title=quot; + data:post.title ' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Share This on Stumbleupon' span/ StumbleUpon /a div style='clear: both;'/ /b:if Step 7Now hit theSave templatebutton. That's all. Now check your template and visit any post and see social sharing widget has appeared at the end of every Blog posts. Final output will be like above image. I hope you and your visitors would love this widget. For any further support feel free to leave a comment below.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Why Prostitution Should Remain Illegal in the United States

Aah’Donai Wright Mr. Manser English 9E: Research Paper 20 April 2012 Why Prostitution Should Remain Illegal in the United States Prostitution is said to be â€Å"the world’s oldest profession† (Ramchandran par. 1). The Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines prostitution as â€Å"the act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations especially for money† (â€Å"Prostitution† par. 1). Many people argue that prostitution should be legalized, but it hurts people more than it helps. Legalization of prostitution condones sexual behavior for profit. Not to mention, the increased risk of illness or infection via sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs), or death. It also does not â€Å"enhance women’s choices† (Raymond par. 45). This means that whether†¦show more content†¦9). More so than consent, â€Å"a prostitute usually complies with the only options available to her† (Raymond par. 46). Such compliance is required by the nature of the transaction (Raymond par. 46). â€Å"Often the revenue from the job is needed to support a drug addiction or to provide supplemental means of basic subsistence, such as housing, food or transportation† (Rich par. 9). Such ill-fated choices may result in various forms of enslavement. Another major consequence of legalizing prostitution becomes apparent when the legitimization of sex markets strengthen the criminal-enterprise of organized pimping (Poulin par. 19). Such bolstering, accompanied by a significant increase in sexual solicitation activities and human trafficking, brings with it the deterioration of these enslaved women (Poulin par. 19). Decriminalizing prostitution presents one of the root causes of sex-trafficking, to the extent that human trafficking promotes the delivery of people into slavery—a crime equally as old as civilization (Raymond par. 9). â€Å"Around the world, for those in desperate poverty, the false promise of a better life often draws victims into the control of criminals who then traffic and enslave them† (Bales par. 1). â€Å"Many victims of trafficking of persons begin their journey by consenting to be smuggled from one country to another. Because of this, the crimes ‘smuggling’ and ‘traffickingâ⠂¬â„¢ are often confused. Smuggling and trafficking both involve movingShow MoreRelatedShould Prostitution Be More Beneficial?1659 Words   |  7 PagesPerkins Writing 1 November 13, 2015 Prostitution In this essay, I will be giving my arguments on whether or not prostitution would be more beneficial to society and safer it wasn’t illegal. I will be giving you background information on the history of prostitution at the beginning of civilization, and how it came to be illegal in the United States. Next I will state the reasons why prostitution is currently criminalized, and why people think it should remain that way. I will then reply to thoseRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legalized?1406 Words   |  6 PagesProstitution is one of the largest controversial issue facing the United States. The definition of prostitution, according to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, is the act or practice of engaging in sexual relations especially for the money. Prostitution has been constantly bashed by the media and is currently legal in only one state. In this state, only one county has banned prostitution. Why is it illegal? What is wrong with prostitution that has made it illeg al? These are the important questions thatRead MoreProstitution And Deviance : Examination Of Theories Amongst Positivist And Constructionist Perspectives Within Society1604 Words   |  7 PagesProstitution and Deviance: Examination of Theories Amongst Positivist and Constructionist Perspectives Within Society Deviance is behavior, beliefs or characteristics that many people in a society find or would find offensive and which excite, upon discovery, disapproval, punishment, condemnation, or hostility (Goode, 2011 p. 3). Most scientists will agree that a person s most basic needs, physiologically, are breathing, food, water, sleep, and sex. If all of these are the most basic to humanRead MoreProstitution : Prostitution And Prostitution1169 Words   |  5 PagesProstitution is illegal in the United States, except for some counties in Nevada. However, prostitution is in most part of the United States, despite the fact that it has been legalized. Prostitution is an act whereby, one sells his/her body for sex. In the United States, Prostitution is divided into three broad categories; street, escort, and brothel prostitution. Brothel prostitution takes place in brothel houses, which are houses where prostitutes can sell sexual services. This kind of prostitutionRead MoreShould Prostitution B e Legalized? Essay724 Words   |  3 PagesShould prostitution be legalized? There are many reasons why prostitution should be legalized because it will have many positive effects. Legalizing prostitution would reduce crime, improve public health, increase tax revenue, help people out of poverty, get prostitutes off the streets, and allow adults to make their own choices. People say that prostitution is a victimless crime, especially in the 11 Nevada counties where it remains legal. There are ways that prostitution can be fixed to help theRead MoreA Crime Against Public Morals1474 Words   |  6 Pagesof the separation between church and state, of the times we live in. This day and age, many people wish to be free from government and church influence. The United States is the land of the free and the home of the brave as the song says, then why are there some many laws of control. The moral laws on the books are for public interest only many are not really even enforced. The one l aw I can justly say that the government really should remove is Prostitution is one of the oldest professions in theRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Illegal?1268 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"I don’t understand why prostitution is illegal. Selling is legal. Fucking is legal. Why isn’t selling fucking legal? You know, why should it be illegal to sell something that’s perfectly legal to give away?† (Carlin, n.d). Prostitution is the act of selling sexual services in exchange for money. Prostitution has been around for thousands of years, it is known as the oldest profession in the world. Today both, women and men are engaged into the industry of sex and prostitution. Even though it isRead MoreProstitution Should Be Illegal in Canada Essay1583 Words   |  7 Pagespossibilities of illegal activities inside the world of prostitution. From reading the newspapers to hearing it on the television, we know nothing good ever comes out of prostitution because of the exposure to the risky businesses and dangerous people. Prostitutes engages in a number of dangerous harmful activities such as taking drugs, rape, emotional and physical abuse, and the worst case scenario is death. In this thesis paper, I’ll be discussing the main points and arguments as to why prostitution shouldRead MoreThe Issue Of Legalization Of Prostitution1103 Words   |  5 Pagesdefines prostitution as â€Å"the act of having sex in exchange for money.† In recent years, there has been speculation of the laws in place that criminalize prostitution. While there are advocates that want prostitution to be decriminalized, there are also advocates for the legalization. Decriminalization would simply repeal the laws making prostitution illegal, whereas full legalization would allow the government to put regulations and safety requirements in place. The legalization of prostitution wouldRead MoreEssay on The Truth about Prostitution876 Words   |  4 PagesThe Truth about Prostitution Prostitution is a major problem in the United States today. The way we treat these victims as criminals is simply unacceptable. Found in â€Å"Business Insider† a study of San Francisco prostitutes showed that as many as 68% of them have been raped and an astounding 82% had been assaulted. Also found on Business insider is a study conducted on the prostitutes in Colorado Springs which showed that prostitutes are 18X more likely to end up murder victims than those who do not

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Ageism, Or Prejudice And Discrimination Associated With A...

Ageism, or the prejudice and discrimination associated with a person s age, has become a widely researched topic among scholars over the last few decades. The deficit model of ageing characterizes old age as a pathological condition in which individuals undergo physical and mental decline (Allen, 2011). Growing old has developed into a major social problem in Western culture, and most individuals accept the stereotypes and stigma related to ageing. Companies, often phase out older employees by hiring young individuals who are perceived as being less of a risk, and more of an asset to the company. The exclusion of older individuals is especially prevalent in industries related to media and professional sports. Media, favors young individuals because they convey an image of beauty, vigour, and energy. Similarly, professional athletes are often forced to retire early, due to the recruitment process of professional sports teams. The objective of this study aims to uncover ageism in the dance community, because dance combines beauty and athleticism, two traits that are considered to decline with age. The study discusses age discrimination within the dance community through an exploration of previous research conducted on the topic, and a qualitative analysis of interviews conducted with three dancers via email. The dancers who participated in this study discuss their background as dancers, their age, and their perception of age as a dancer. The participants acknowledge thatShow MoreRelatedEssay on Ageism or Agism621 Words   |  3 Pagesâ€Å"Ageism, or agism, is a prejudice or discrimination against an individual or group in society on the basis of ones conception of age. A  prejudice is a  preconceived  mentality, judgement, or opinion that may have no  reason nor basis. Discrimination is the expression of prejudice resulting in differential treatment of different groups or individuals in society. This may include unjust behaviors, actions, language(s) and degrading terms, or limitations  restricting anothers rights. A person who participatesRead MoreReducing the Di vide between Young and Old1299 Words   |  6 PagesThe area of diversity that we will look at here is Ageism. First we will discuss some of the more important barriers that are present because of age. We will discuss how this group is affected by discrimination, prejudices, and stereotypes and some of the sources that perpetuate it. Finally we’ll attempt to show some strategies that both young and old can use to promote communication and understanding to hopefully reduce the divide between the young and old. In ancient times the old we’re valuedRead MoreAgeism : The Most Prevalent Prejudice Essay1269 Words   |  6 PagesAgeism: The most prevalent prejudice Prejudice is defined by as â€Å"unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature, regarding an ethnic, racial, social, or religious (Define prejudice in, n.d.). Ageism is seldom recognized as a form of prejudice. Nonetheless, research shows that ageism is the most prevalent prejudice (Bousfield and Hutchinson, 2010, p. 451). This finding calls for an evaluation of how children view the elderly if theyRead MoreThe Aging Population Is The Fastest Growing Population1574 Words   |  7 Pagesmillion people will be between the ages 65 -85 and 9 million individuals will be ages 85 and older (Ouchida Lachs, 2015). Perceptions of the elderly have slightly changed for the better in recent years, but biases and discrimination are still very widespread in our society today. â€Å"Ageism† is a phrase coined by Robert Butler in 1969 and implies a preconception, prejudice, and discrimination against older adults and can come in many forms. A kind of ageism I will be focusing on is the relatedRead MoreLate Adulthood And Death Of An Individual Across The Life Span Development Process1474 Words   |  6 Pagesspan development process. Discuss ageism and stereotypes, evaluated how an individual can promote ones health and wellness to mitigate the negative effects of aging, Analyze the importance of relationships and social interactions nearing the end of life. Finally I will identify cultural and personal attitudes related to death and dignity in late adulthood. Ageism is known as a prejudice or discrimination based solely on one’s age. Similar to sexism and racism, ageism involves holding negative stereotypesRead MoreAgeism in America1709 Words   |  7 PagesAgeism in America The term ageism was coined in 1969 by Robert Butler, the first director of the National Institute on Aging. He used the word to describe the process of systematic stereotyping of people because they are old. Ageism is a term that is similar to other ‘isms in society, such as racism and sexism. Ageism allows other generations to see older people as different from themselves; thus they subtly cease to identify with their elders as human beings (Butler, 1975). All peopleRead MoreAgeism : Theories, Research, And Implications2324 Words   |  10 PagesMarcus Cai 996-92-6434 Ageism: Theories, Research, and Implications Section 1: General Topic If there is prejudice against people of different cultures, sexual orientation, and class, it is no surprise that there is also prejudgment towards people based on their age. Ageism, coined by Robert Neil Butler is the discrimination against groups or individuals on the basis of their age. As it was discussed in Todd Nelson’s â€Å"Ageism: the Strange Case of Prejudice Against the Older you†Read More Age Discrimination in Employment Essays1726 Words   |  7 PagesAmerica’s history, and the issue of â€Å"ageism† was finally addressed in The Age Discrimination in Employment Act. Ageism can be defined as prejudiced beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors pertaining to older adults. To understand the ADEA fully, a brief history of age discrimination is useful to comprehend the Structural Level of this bill. Discrimination based on age was not a large issue until the beginning of the 20th century, mainly because it was a tacit form of discrimination. For the most part, people workedRead MoreIs Ageism Against The Older People Could Potentially Be Reversed Through The Participation Of A Lifespan Human Development Course1620 Words   |  7 Pagesthrough the participation in a Lifespan Human Development Course. He states that research findings shows that a prevailing factor that is affecting the elder population today is ageism. Researchers found, that the younger generation, 35 years and younger, are judgmental and in many cases disrespectful and hold some form of prejudice towards older adults. Older adult are often described in negative way and labelled with the following stereotypes such as â€Å"Golden angry, Perfect grandparents† (Wurtele’ andRead MoreLate Adulthood and Death Paper1460 Words   |  6 Pagesgive a brief overview of ageism and stereotypes associate with late adulthood. This will explain how health and wellness techniques in the late adulthood stages can mitigate the negative effects of aging. As peop le age the social views and experiences changes in relationships and interactions with individuals, as he or she nears end of life. When closely approaching the end of life, a person has cultural and personal attitudes about death and dignity in late adulthood. Ageism and Stereotypes When

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Small Place By Christopher Columbus - 1619 Words

Colonization was used as early as the 18th century to expand a particular country’s territory. Essentially it supposed to be a positive thing, expanding the territory’s resources such as medicine, and education. Jamaica Kincaid, however, plead the opposite. In her book, A Small Place, she expounded on the after effects of colonialism on her small island, Antigua. The Island, discovered by Christopher Columbus, is only nine by twelve miles long, surrounded by the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean (Kincaid, 80), which has â€Å"swallowed up a number of black slaves† (Kincaid, 14). Jamaica Kincaid, described the slave owner (Europeans) as â€Å"Human rubbish,† who took â€Å"noble and exalted human beings from Africa† to enslave them (80). She†¦show more content†¦Kincaid believes that the slave like structure of the government was led by colonialism. She expressed her anger toward the colonists for colonizing the small island, tur ning it into England and turning everyone they met into English (24). She writes, â€Å"Have you ever wonder to yourself why it is that all people like me seem to have learned from you is how to imprison and murder each other, how to govern badly†¦? Have you ever wondered why it is that all we seem to have learned from you is how to corrupt our societies and how to be tyrants† (Kincaid, 34)? Kincaid wanted the colonist to realize it is by their own faults and their imperfections that Antigua is in the state that is in now. Kincaid also believed that colonialism caused the political corruption that has defrauded Antigua of many rights, such as the right to knowledge. She believed that the Ministers of Antigua gained knowledge to govern from the â€Å"Ill-mannered† British who paved the way for them (34). Throughout her book she has made it very clear that the library is an important source of knowledge for her as it should be for other Antiguan s as well. She reminisced on her childhoods experiences at the library as her own â€Å"sacred place, a cool retreat from the colonized world and an opening to the greater world away from the island† (Byerman, 94). On page 48, we found out that St. John, the largest city and capital in Antigua,

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Role of Supervision and Leadership

Question: Discuss about theRole of Supervision and Leadership. Answer: Introduction: Intent of the Journal Article This article focuses on the relationship between employee and their managers in an organizational leadership and the way emotions associated with them affects their job satisfaction and overall mental health in a typical work environment (Mark and Smith, 2012). At first, it examines the direct effects of the managers and supervisors and their leadership behaviours which affect the expressed emotions, experienced emotions and the emotional control the employee's experience (Weiss and Cropanzo, 1996). Then it explains that the leadership behaviours of managers can lessen the impact of employee's emotional regulation in a positive way. For research, experience sampling methodology and within-person method is done to focus leadership behaviours and within-persons co-variations (Schaubroeck and Jones, 2000). Research Methods Used by the Authors According to Bono et al. (2007), participants were selected from a wide variety of professions ranging from the case manager, lab technician, nurse, human resource among many. A total of 57 employees were selected from a health organization with an average of 41 years old and mixed races including Caucasian, Asian and African-American. Three types of research were carried out: experience sampling data, survey data, and a leadership behaviour survey. The first one was made by handing a handheld computer to the participants to record their job satisfaction, momentarily stress, and experiences over the course of two weeks. The second one was a paper survey which was general in nature, where they provided stress and job satisfaction data. The third one, leadership behaviour supervisors survey was done from an organization. For leadership behaviors of supervisors', measurement was done using 20-factor MLQ or Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire as it is a commonly used measure for measuring transformational leadership validity and reliability. Responses were recorded on a scale of 5. Job satisfaction was measured using the same 5 point scale and using Brayfield-Rothe items. They were questioned next on their interaction with peers if they were at work after the signaling off the PDA. Experiences were recorded next by selecting three negative and three positive emotions. Positive ones include enthusiasm, happiness and optimism and negatives ones included irritation, anger, and anxiety. Stress was measured next by asking the participants that they were feeling stress and again noted on a scale of 5. The examiners addressed the hypotheses 1 and two by analyzing supervisor's role in experiences of an employee to find the between interaction partner and affected experiences of the employees. The next examina tion undertaken was to test the theory of transformation leadership behaviors of supervisors in relation with employee relations across interactions between co-workers and customers. Besides the given method, the examiners also hypothesized a moderating effect for same the leadership. Identify Arguments of the Article The study has been divided into different parts, and hypotheses are given for every situation. As stated by Nixon, Brukà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Lee and Spector (2016), the first hypothesis tells that employees experience more positive emotions when interacting with co-workers and clients than with employers, and the reason is that employers monitor the behaviour, evaluate performance and oversee work of the employees which brings discomfort as they prefer more autonomy. Constant monitoring also brings about irritation, restraints emotional expressions and behaviour (Ryan and Deci, 2000). Since the negative interactions of the mood of employees were found to be about five times stronger than the effects of positive mood, therefore, any positive effect of a good mood is easily overshadowed by negative mood (George and Zhou, 2001). The second hypothesis tells that there is a positive correlation between managers and leaders when the transformation leadership managers affect the employees, and the positive vibe lasts throughout the whole workday (Green, 2014). Transformational leadership among managers brings about happiness, enthusiasm and prevents triggering of anger, frustration or anxiety in employees (Sy et al., 2005). As opined by Humphrey, Ashforth and Diefendorff (2015), the third hypothesis states, regulating emotions like faking positive emotions and hiding negative emotions is positively related to stress in individuals and negatively associated with individual job satisfaction. Emotional regulation is a process where employees chose to behave and show their expressions in a certain way as to conform to the environment of the workplace (Little, 2000). The article includes research from other studies which shows this phenomenon to be harmful to the employees as it means involves pretending which is not authentic. Suppressing emotions said to have the greater strain on cardiovascular, cognitive and physiological health (Beal et al., 2013). The fourth hypothesis states that, when managers and leaders engage in transformational leadership, the more focused is a positive balance between job satisfaction and emotional control than when the focus on the leadership is less (Hackman and Johnson, 2013). When transformational leadership is stronger, the link between stress and emotional regulation is very less compared to when the transformation leadership is weaker. With this leadership, the employees felt more consistent and self-congruent with own values and interests. The study presents two theories of Goal Self-concordance and self-determination theory to show that employees at workplace experience feel which leads separation of self and depersonalization (Sheldon and Elliott, 1999). It says that transformational leaders are not only empathetic, but the managers who practice the leadership style also find the greater social support of their employees (Zapf, 2002). Practical Implications of the Journal Article According to Brief and Weiss (2002), many organizational kinds of literature speak in details about the leaders and managers mood with affecting emotions and moods, but there has been little research data to back it up. In contrast, this study proposed a research study for the same. The outcome of this study was that when the employees did interact with co-workers, customers, and clients, there was a rise in a positive mood, optimism, enthusiasm, and happiness than communicating with supervisors (Bersade, 2002). The same level of increase in mood was observed when the employees reported to their supervisors who practiced transformational leadership as this leadership acts as a buffer for the employee's moods. By this study, it was also found out that, employees who regulate their emotions at work tend to have less job satisfaction even though the effects of it were short-lived (Lee and Allen, 2002). In comparison, the effects of stress were more long-lasting. There were some practica l limitations too of this study. 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